(Well, DUHHHHHHHHHHHH! It has to be one of the two!)
My dream voice mail greeting (that would get me fired) would be something like this:
Hi, this is Corey. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now, but please leave a message and I’ll return your call when I’m good and ready, AND only if I think you’re worth my time.
If you have a question about someone else’s calendar, then please call them directly. What do I look like, a crystal ball? If you are a cold-calling vendor and want to sell something to our company, then just hang up right now; we don’t have the budget. If you wanna know about job postings, we don’t have any. If you only speak Spanish - sorry I don’t. So, ‘por espanol para una numero dos’ won’t do you any good, and stop pressing that #2 key already. If you need directions to our office, Google it. Don’t you know that’s what the Internet is for? If you’re calling to ask me to help you solve a problem, I know that if I don’t return your call within the next few hours, you will eventually solve the problem yourself. So why bother leaving a message.
Thank you, and have a nice day.