Usually when we have one of these meetings, only about 100 employees show up and they’re usually all about ten minutes late – always!
Back to the hot drinks. So, here we are one day before the event, and after much debate and planning, it was decided that I should order coffee, hot chocolate and tea. Hot, hot, hot being the theme, right?
So, Miss Prissy Pants comes to my desk this morning to ask what kind of drinks we are ordering, where we are ordering them from, etc. I told her I spent the better part of an entire day trying to locate a business that would make all three drinks and deliver them.
Then she says, “I thought you were going to get the cocoa packets and things like that, so they could make their own drinks.”
I stopped her dead in her tracks, “It took me a long time to find one restaurant that would deliver all three kinds of drinks. And I’m NOT dealing with packets. First of all, where am I gonna get hot water? And second of all if we have to WAIT for 100 people to MAKE their own drinks, AND we know they’re gonna be LATE, that meeting will start 30 minutes late!
Then she asks, “What kind of tea did you order?”
“Whatever kind the restaurant wants to give me, dear.”
It’s FREE for employees, so quitchabitchin’!
I swear, sometimes around here, it’s like standing in the government’s free cheese line, and complaining that they give you cheddar cheese instead of Swiss.